The Girl from the Hidden Forest 

The Girl from the Hidden Forest 

by Hannah Linder

This book tells a beautiful story. This book was so so good! The characters were amazing and the writing excellent as all of Hannah Linder’s books are….. A girl raised in the woods all of her life, with only her dog as her comfort and friend. Reared by an old man who always told her he was not her father but to her, he was her father… Then along comes a man who snatches her from her idyllic life and takes her to a mansion to prove to the world that his father is not a murderer She is cast into a life completely different from anything that she has ever known and a man that they say is her true father.
Full of secrets, danger, and plot twists the story is captivating to the last page!

About dixiegran

I am a grandmother from Dixie who loves to read christian fiction. I created this blog so I could do reviews on the books I read. I am on the review blogger program for Bethany House....also Blogging For Books and Barbour Publishing Co. On Christian Reviewers I also obtain books from various authors to read and then give my review on Amazon and here. I also leave reviews on social media, goodreads, Nook and others.

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